Entity [Communication]


This entity holds the information of the communication from CYSSC (system/Business/Adjudicator) to user (HCP/Client). But not meant to be used for SA case worker to client or HCPs.

The anchor points of a communication can be in context of the whole package, a specific FormReceived or a specific attachment.

List of attributes



Data Type

Communication ID

The primary key in form of GUID.

Char (32)

Parent ID

To which entity this communication is about. It can be a reference to the GUID key in Package, FormReceived or an attachment

With GUID as the key, system does not have to capture parent type (Package/FormReceived/Attachment). Can be altered at physical implementation.

Char (32)

Status Code

The status code of this communication. E.g.
... ...

Varchar (20)

Parent Communication ID

If this communication if a follow up for a previous communication, this attribute provides an optional hierarchical linkage.

Char (32)

Creation Date

The datetime this communication is created.

Date & Time

Message Text

The content of this communication, in form of plain text. No HTML or rich text format is allowed.

Long binary

Sending Channel ID

This the channel ID of the sending side of this communication.


Sending Channel User Key

The external user key in the sending channel.

If the communication is sent from MyBenefits, this should be Member ID,
If the communication is sent from DAD, this should be system ID or Adjudicator user ID in DAD.
If the communication is sent from SADIE, this should be the HCP ID in SADIE,

Varchar (50)

Receiving Channel ID

This the channel ID of the receiving side of this communication.


Receiving Channel User Key

The external user key in the receiving channel.

If the communication is sent to MyBenefits, this should be Member ID.
If the communication is sent to DAD, this should be system ID or referral ID (don't need to reach a specific adjudicator, unless the parent communication ID is provided.
If the communication is sent to SADIE, this should be the HCP ID in SADIE which is the same as the Submission Channel User Key.

Varchar (50)

Message Delivery Date

The date and time this message is delivered.

Date & Time

Confirmation Date


Date & Time

Date Created

The data and time this record was created.

Date & Time

Date Updated

The data and time this record was last updated. For the full update history should be captured with an audit table.

Date & Time

Created By

The ID/Code of the user/system component who created this record.

Varchar (20)

Updated By

The ID/Code of the user/system component who last updated this record.

Varchar (20)